A Reconstructed Life
Terry’s series of paintings called “A Reconstructed Life” provide a frank and compelling personal view of her continuing struggle with a severe staph infection inside of her breasts. The infection could not be stopped with surgeries and eventually resulted in the loss of both her breasts. After a year of excruciating breast reconstruction and additional surgeries, she was “reconstructed” to look like she once did. Many of these paintings are self-portraits and Terry struggled with the decision of whether to use her own face in these. Terry wanted people to know who she was and what she had been through but, on the other hand, was embarrassed about her ordeal. “Putting your soul out there for others to view is hard, but sometimes helps with the healing process.”

Select an image to start slide show
02 24x36AReconstructedLife
A Reconstructed Life, 24"x36", Self Portrait, Artist's Collection, Best in Show, John Tyler Community College, 2007
04 24x36TimeFadesAway
Time Passes Away, Portrait Of Terry's Mother, Artist's Collection, Best in Show, John Tyler Community College, 2013
06 24x36TheLifeWeTakeForGranted
The Life We Take For Granted, 24"x36", $1,800.00, 2nd Place Petersburg Regional Art Center 2011
08 24x37WhoAmI
Who Am I? 24"x30", $1,500.00
10 18x24ImOnly39
I'm Only 39, 18"x24", Artist's Collection, Exhibited in the Woman Made Gallery in Chicago
12 18x24Whataretheycomingatmewithnext
What Are They Coming At Me With Next?, 18"x24", Artist's Collection
18 18x24Reconstructed
Reconstructed, 18"x24", Artist's Collection, Exhibited in the Woman Made Gallery in Chicago
20 18x24Disconnected
Disconnected, 18"x24", Artist's Collection
22 18x24ThePinkRibbon
The Pink Ribbon, 18"x24", $1,200.00
24 18x24Uncertainty
Uncertainty, 18"x24", $1,200.00
26 20x24WrappedinaPinkRibbon
Wrapped In A Pink Ribbon, 20"x24", $800.00
28 18x24All DressedUpNoPlaceToGo
All Dressed Up - No Place To Go, 18"x24", Artist's Collection
30 16x20TheTreeofLifeMetamorphosis
Metamorphosis, The Tree Of Life, 16"x20", Artist's Collection
33 14x24AnotherFallenAngel
Another Fallen Angel, Artist's Collection
34 12x48AnotherAngelFalls
Another Angel Falls, 12"x48", $1,200.00